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Any Data, Anytime, On Any Device is a Security Risk

Nov 5, 2022

Several pieces must work together to protect your data nowadays. But there is a general lack of control of data compliance in today’s corporate off-premise environments. The sudden evolution of digital technology brings up countless security and privacy issues. Remote workforces must be accommodated so workers can access data using their devices securely, at any time. That’s why Microsoft Intune is becoming a necessity to ensure remote workforces remain secure and operational.  

When overseeing all your digital assets and applications, having a Cloud Services partner to install and manage tools that address security risks posed by remote workers is half the battle. Even companies that know the drill make the mistake of mishandling security programs like Intune – which must be implemented, turned on and managed properly. That can be riskier than not having it at all.  

Control Organization Cybersecurity on Personal Devices with Intune 

Too often I see clients inadvertently allow personal devices without taking control of organizational data that is on them. This is where Intune comes into play. Its key features include antivirus and app protections and compliance management capabilities. A cloud-based management tool for mobile devices, it helps provide unified endpoint management of both corporate and “bring your own device” (BYOD) equipment. 

Such issues can be eliminated with two Microsoft programs that work together: Autopilot with Intune. Intune is a policy manager that handles auto-provisioning across your workforce, while Autopilot is used to ID and register their devices to Intune and start the configuration process based on Intune’s guidelines. Intune proves priceless to organizational cybersecurity with features that incorporate cloud intelligence to assess red flags like:  

  • Unfamiliar locations 
  • Anonymous IP addresses 
  • Leaked credentials  

How else will you monitor the risk of every end user? 

Managed Cloud Services Meet Licensing, Recruiting & Retention Needs 

It’s standard practice for corporations in the U.S. and beyond to collaborate in an Office 365 environment. From an overall security and automation efficiency standpoint, cloud-based depot services enable any company to manage endpoint devices while following current policies and protocol. And in doing so, Cloud Services can place you above the competition by: 

  1. Optimizing your organization’s existing investments  
  2. Seamlessly integrating with TechData while CDW does the provisioning 
  3. Creating an automatic advantage – since over 90% of the market hasn’t taken this step yet  

There’s one more piece to consider – licensing requirements. Most enterprise-level clients already have Microsoft E3 and E5 licenses – which have the most capabilities and features needed by enterprise entities. Intune and Autopilot are key to these licenses, providing security controls and privacy protections that employees need to have with their devices. A qualified Cloud Service provider will streamline and maintain licensing, as well as a continuity of service and data protection.  

Do you lack full control of all your end users’ devices and associated risks? Learn more about our highly customizable cloud services on our website, and schedule a meeting today.


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. As part of our “Policy-Based Security Powered by Intune” campaign, we’re explaining the value and ROI of policy management tools like Intune. In my next two blogs, I’ll explore how they work and why a Cloud Services provider should manage them. 

Shawn Mihalovits, Senior Cloud Engineer