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Innovation & Leadership

DYOPATH provides expertise in driving technology innovation for K-12 schools, school districts and other educational institutions. We empower your leadership to create positive changes with a significant impact to both the community and students. Our solutions allow you to focus on what is most important, teaching your students.

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Why Clients Choose DYOPATH for Innovation & Leadership

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DYOPATH supports your team with over 150 years of public- school experience providing your learning community with innovative and proven solutions to reach your strategic plan.



Lower risk and accelerate execution by leveraging DYOPATH’S proven methodology which engages your learning community and drives positive change.



DYOPATH has the plan, tools and resources to get your team started. No need to re-create the wheel!

Creating Solutions that Support Learning

DYOPATH delivers proven solutions that challenge your team to think outside of the box and to strengthen your integration of technology by using a trusted framework.


Bring Your Vision to Reality

DYOPATH assists with bringing your vision to reality, not forcing you to wear yet another hat.  We understand that schools need to deliver IT that keeps data secure while also supporting learning and encouraging student and staff creativity.


Create a Foundation for Learning

We provide strategies and solutions that allow you to cost-effectively use modern IT to support educators and administrators.


Risk Avoidance

By partnering with DYOPATH and our proven framework, you can avoid the pitfalls of trial and error, saving time and money.

Questions? We're here to help.

Our IT experts are here to help with all your needs. They can answer all your IT-related questions, including topics like:


Our service offerings




Pricing information

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