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Digital Transformation is not Just about Technology

Feb 13, 2023

Jordan Orrico, Marketing Manager at DYOPATH 

In my recent blog about the urgency of joining the digital revolution, I discussed the tendency of business leaders to delay making necessary changes, even when they know they should. The reason is understandable. If someone tells you to ensure your entire organizational infrastructure is up to date, you might have more questions than answers. That’s why, to take the necessary steps, it can help to set aside the technical issues and also consider how people and processes – ie, your culture – will be impacted by the changes. 

The truth is, when business leaders begin their transformation to more modern and up-to-date IT systems, they quickly discover just how much their organizational culture is impacted, as well. That is one reason that a partner that specializes in digital transformations is needed to guide you through the process, as well as to continue managing your IT on the other side. 

What Else Will Change in Your Digital Transformation?  

Digitalization has a way of removing problems you didn’t know you had. 

Why? Because one of the biggest impediments to evolving with the times and staying competitive is when systems and processes are isolated from one another within an organization, which is so often the case. There can be no sustainable change without ensuring that every end user and new hire supports the changes in their day to day habits. The solutions that business access through a trusted and qualified Managed Service Provider not only let you break down the walls between siloed applications. They also show you how to make the necessary information accessible to everyone who needs it in real time as you grow. 

There are four key areas you can expect to improve along with your digital transformation: 

  1. More efficient workflows  
  2. Data-driven decision making 
  3. Innovative solutions to drive the business forward 
  4. Updated processes and procedures  

So, Where Do You Start? 

Are your IT systems and processes too siloed, or your end users frustrated with delays? If so, that is a clear indication that change in some form is in order. As for what needs to change, that depends. An expert can take a look at the tools being used throughout every part of your organization and propose a solution for pulling the data into a central location for process automation and optimization throughout. Some changes in tools or applications may be necessary, as well. All of this will allow for better analytics of the data needed to optimize your performance moving forward. 

Do you have questions about how digitalization can help you thrive? DYOPATH offers customized, cloud-based solutions that can be tailored to fit your needs without ever suggesting unnecessary services. Visit our website for details and schedule a meeting today. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. As part of our “Digital Transformation” campaign, we’re exploring why it’s necessary to transform in order to stay competitive. In my final blog, I’ll explore how to structure your digital transformation plan. 

Learn more about DYOPATH and our diverse managed services by visiting our website 

Jordan Orrico, Marketing Manager at DYOPATH 


About the author: As the Marketing Manager at DYOPATH, Jordan Orrico brings a lifelong passion for marketing that began when she was a child. One of her biggest focuses is bringing in qualified marketing leads to grow the business. She takes the lead on market research, client preferences, creating the marketing strategy and budget. Orrico also oversees the creation of all marketing campaigns, materials and content.