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How EDR Is Changing: Don’t Miss These Emerging Trends for 2024

Apr 2, 2024

It’s barely begun, but 2024 is already shaping up to be a rollercoaster for the world of cybersecurity. New technologies, emerging trends, and the continuation of existing trends all give security teams a lot to focus on. One area where this is especially true is endpoint detection and response, or EDR.

DYOPATH The EDR of the Future: What to Look for in 2024

EDR is the process of monitoring endpoints — that is, the places where your network interfaces with the outside world — with the goal of quickly detecting and responding to any threats. Examples of endpoints include smartphones, laptops, and servers.In this article, we’ll take a look at the importance of EDR for companies and some of the most important EDR trends to pay attention to in 2024.

Why Is EDR so Important?

With a workforce that’s more distributed than ever before, endpoints are more vulnerable than ever.

Most businesses no longer have the luxury of keeping their endpoints in one secure, easily manageable physical space. Today employees use endpoints from all kinds of different places, presenting entirely new challenges for security teams. As a result, they present opportunities for hackers and cybercriminals to infiltrate your network.

With EDR technology, businesses can constantly collect data on their various endpoints, which provides crucial insights into the types, causes, and severity of threats. This allows them to quickly pinpoint any real dangers and take steps to prevent and resolve them.

What to Look for in 2024 — Key EDR Trends

The world of EDR is never dull, with new threats and trends emerging all the time. Let’s explore a few of the biggest EDR trends that look set to define 2024.

Increased Remote & Hybrid Work Opportunities

Since a massive spike in the pandemic years, remote work has leveled off somewhat. However, it’s still more prevalent than it was pre-2020, and it’s safe to say that remote work is here to stay.

According to research by Upwork, around 32.6 million Americans, or 22% of the workforce, will be remote by 2025. On top of that, hybrid work is becoming more common, which carries the same risks as fully remote work.

This presents ongoing challenges for EDR. With endpoints distributed over vast geographical  distances — sometimes internationally — and employees accessing networks from unsecured WiFi networks in public places, security teams have to emphasize focus on endpoint security.

EDR & Endpoints in the Spotlight

Endpoints are a major security concern, and businesses are increasingly realizing this. Over 70% of data loss incidents originate on endpoint devices. There are several reasons for this, but one potential factor is that security teams have failed to pay enough attention to their endpoints, focusing instead on cloud security.

DYOPATH The EDR of the Future: What to Look for in 2024

In 2024, we can expect to see a shift in focus towards the endpoints themselves and more investment in EDR.

New Technologies Like AI

AI is the poster child of emerging technology in 2024, and cybercriminals are well aware of it. We’re already seeing new cyber threats that have been created and powered up with the use of AI technology.

On the other hand, AI can also be a very useful tool for EDR. Used correctly, AI can drive better data analysis, offer more advanced and accurate threat detection, and gain useful insights from data.

By automating threat response, which can work well with simple, predictable threats, AI tools can free up tons of time for human security staff, allowing them to focus more on complex, original challenges.

Focus on Internal Threats

When it comes to security, it’s tempting to think primarily of outside threats — malicious, mysterious actors lurking in the shadows beyond what you can see.

However, many of the most serious threats come from within. In fact, insider security incidents — conducted by people inside your organization — have increased by 44% in recent years. Your approach to EDR needs to take this into account to ensure maximum security.

Integration With Other Security Tools

Smart security teams are already integrating their EDR activities with other security tools and processes, and this trend seems likely to continue in 2024.

By integrating EDR with tools like SIEM, organizations can detect threats faster, respond more effectively, and build an overall more robust and sustainable security infrastructure.


DYOPATH’s EDR solution is built to help you secure your endpoints, providing detection, analysis, and rapid response capabilities. We can help you deal with threats quickly to keep your assets safe even as threats evolve.

Schedule a call with us to learn more about how we can help.