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Charitable Causes: Children’s Charities

Oct 19, 2021

My name is Rob Koch, and I am the Chief Executive Officer for DYOPATH, an IT Managed Services and Cybersecurity firm with locations throughout the United States.  DYOPATH is an organization that is very passionate and committed to giving to charitable organizations, especially those geared toward children. There are several different children’s charities we support, those mentioned in my recent interview include Love 146, Boys and Girls Club of America, Relief Through Leadership, and the Ronald McDonald House. Each of these charities works hard to help better the lives of children in different ways and through DYOPATH’s core values of Do The Right Thing and Family Compassion, we want to ensure we can do what we can to help. Previously, I was joined by Bill Borbas, DYOPATH’S Sales Manager, where two of us went into detail about all four charities mentioned above and how DYOPATH works to support them. We would love you to check out our video HERE. 

DYOPATH truly believes children are our future and we are so excited to give back to the next generation. Through Relief through Leadership DYOPATH as well as several others, has donated several chrome books, an infrastructure, and technology to provide children and teachers to teach in the classroom in Puerto Rico. 

Love 146’s mission is to end child trafficking and DYOPATH has sponsored them on multiple occasions. Next, the Ronald McDonald House, one of my favorite charities, provides families with housing and access to food while their children are having medical procedures done or getting medical assistance, the Rondald McDonald House is giving back to families who need to stay connected with their children and close by while receiving medical assistance. Next, the Boys and Girls Club of America is important to DYOPATH as we have sponsored them on many occasions. The Boys and Girls Club provides facilities and programs to help children in economically underprivileged areas. Finally, we also support a charity known as SYNNEX who focuses on many of the issues mentioned above.  

While it is important to donate to a charity, it is even more important to donate your time and to volunteer. Anyone can write a check, but it takes a lot of time to get out and donate your time from a volunteering perspective.  

Visit our website to learn more about the charities DYOPATH supports HERE. 

Thank you, 

Rob Koch, CEO 

About Rob Koch 

Rob Koch is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at DYOPATH and a pioneer within the managed service provider (MSP) vertical. He sets the culture, vision, strategy, and overall business direction across DYOPATH. His leadership of DYOPATH is grounded in his personal values of adventure, determination, health, learning, love, peace and success. His passion for DYOPATH comes from the people, “We have the best!”, says Koch. His favorite quote is, “It’s not the Destination, It’s the Journey.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. 

Koch’s hometown is Roseville, MN and prior to becoming the CEO of DYOPATH, Koch was an Original Founder and CEO of Single Path, which merged with DYONYX on March 1, 2020, to create DYOPATH. His career started with the City of Chicago and then moved to corporate America where he was involved in several technology-based startups in senior leadership roles. 

Koch and his wife currently reside in River Forest, IL with their four sons ranging in age from 14 to 18 along with their crazy English Bulldog, Dotty. Outside of work, Koch enjoys skiing, watching his sons play baseball and rooting for the Minnesota Vikings. He’s an avid reader and at the top of his podcast list right now is, “How I Built This”. 

Koch holds a Bachelor of Arts from St. Mary’s College and an MBA from Stuart School of Business.