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Take a People-First Approach to Identifying & Automating Your Processes

Businesses and other complex organizations across the spectrum are discovering that you can’t automate your workflow until you hammer down your game plan first. But they’re not sure how to get started. Even for those who have begun investing in digitization, taking a strategic approach can be one of their biggest challenges.

The Convergence Of Process Maturity + Digital Transformation 1

There are downsides to diving into your transformation without sufficient preparation. In fact, the reason most digital transformations are unsuccessful is that organizations fail to understand the role of people in creating a vision, communicating it throughout the organization, and then executing it successfully. That’s why more and more organizations are seeking guidance for a smarter, better informed approach to workplace digitization. Managed Services Providers (MSPs) are stepping in to partner with these organizations and help them transform properly. 

Get in Front of Your IT Transformation by Understanding Process Automation Workflows 

 In a recent blog, DYOPATH Executive Vice President Chuck Orrico examines the critical first step: analyzing your current IT systems and identifying how your process automation workflows will fit into your larger game plan. Your people will be central to sustained success. Achieving process maturity means ensuring everyone throughout the organization buys into the changes and creating consistency in your processes moving forward. Three areas of automation need to be addressed as part of a businesses’ IT maturity process: 

  1. Digital Workplace  
  2. Facilities Management 
  3. Chat & Introduction of Chatbots  

One of the main pitfalls of digital transformations occurs when business leaders put technology first while overlooking the human element. Even with an investment in smart tools and resources, a lack of communication will stymie your digital transformation and cost you both in time and financial resources. Too often, well-intentioned yet partial implementations of applications and programs – without a strategy based on a thorough assessment – lead to inefficiencies down the line, and even take organizations in the wrong direction when they try to move forward as a whole.  

For process maturity and digital transformation to converge, you need a team on your side throughout your transition. The IT specialists at DYOPATH provide a broad range of highly customizable outsourced services to meet the unique demands of all types of organizations. Our upcoming webinar will provide more information about what an effective digital transformation plan looks like, and how to prepare your data workflow for a digital workplace. 

Watch Our Webinar On-Demand to Learn More About The Convergence Of Process Maturity & Digital Transformation