President’s Corner
As the global economy moves closer to a potential downturn, technology leaders are poised to clearly link IT’s value to enterprise value. To support CIOs in their mission to enable the business to achieve their objectives, DYOPATH continues to invest in and is committed to delivering the following support initiatives to our clients in 2023.
- Prepare Data Pipelines to Train AI. Most of our customers want to invest in AI or machine learning but are not quite sure how to effectively implement it or justify the cost. Based on Gartner’s 2023 CIO Top Priorities annual survey, AI will be the second most popular technology for investment, behind cloud computing, and is the fastest-growing technology for new investment. Organizations will have to work to adopt AI-enhanced products and services to stay even with the competition and meet customer expectations. But most IT organizations struggle with creating an effective AI-enhanced support strategy that has clear ROI justification. DYOPATH has made significant investments over the last 12 months in developing effective AI-enhanced IT support tools and methodologies. We will be rolling these new technologies and associated processes out to those customers who are interested in leveraging these enhanced capabilities throughout 2023!
- Go All In on Zero-Trust Security. A zero-trust security framework is becoming necessary for organizations for various reasons, such as securing wider network footprints, identifying users external to the firewall, maintaining compliance with governmental or privacy-focused regulations, and ensuring supply chain security. DYOPATH was the original architect and author of the Federal Government’s North Electric Reliability Council’s Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) standards. To this day, we continue to make security and accessibility of our client’s systems the number one priority. We are constantly updating and refining our zero-trust architecture from an organizational risk management perspective as the new security paradigm across our client’s IT stacks. Want to learn more? Contact your assigned account manager and we would be happy to discuss how we can enhance your infrastructure security.
- Shape the IT Organization to Improve Customer Experience. The pandemic motivated organizations to accelerate their digital transformation efforts and focus on the customer experience. Now, organizations are shifting their focus to extracting value from their investments and executing on their digital transformation plans to realize the vision they set out to achieve. In 2023, CIOs will need to tightly align the IT department with the organization’s value chain from a customer perspective. DYOPATH has invested years of experience developing and implementing successful IT and business-aligned support strategies through our Business First IT support methodology. This ensures the highest rate of return of value made from investments in digital strategies that allows our customer’s IT organization to properly enable the business outcomes desired.
Patrick Clary, President & COO