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3 Key Tools to Accompany your Firewall Security

May 31, 2024

Pick a random stranger on the street and ask them to name a piece of a cybersecurity strategy — you’ll likely get the answer “firewall.” And with good reason: firewall security is one of the most fundamental pieces in anyone’s cybersecurity infrastructure.

3 Key Tools to Accompany your Firewall Security DYOPATH

Without a strong, well-configured firewall, it doesn’t matter how many shiny, sophisticated security tools you have — you’re going to be at risk.

However, firewall security in 2024 is no longer enough on its own. To get the most out of your firewall security you need to complement it with other solutions and strategies. In this article, we’ll look at three big cybersecurity trends that should accompany your firewall.

What Is Firewall Security & Why Should You Care? 

Firewall security protects your networks and IT infrastructure from external threats like viruses, hackers, and malware. It’s a critical line of defense to keep your data, assets, and systems safe from attack. Firewalls work at every level, from single-user personal computers to the sprawling IT networks of large organizations.

Firewall security is important for several reasons. Viruses and hacks can be devastating, and larger companies only have more to lose. On top of the potential financial losses associated with downtime and lost data, companies also have to reckon with fatal reputational damage and legal repercussions.

Firewalls also allow you to monitor the traffic coming in and out of your network, and implement rules to filter out any harmful activity. Good firewall security is one of the best investments you can make for the security of your business — but you have to do it right.

3 Key Trends to Complement Firewall Security for 2024

Firewall security in 2024 and beyond will only work as part of a wider infrastructure of cybersecurity tools. Let’s look at three solutions that powerfully complement your firewall.

Zero-Trust Firewalls

Zero-trust firewalls are based on the concept — common in cybersecurity — that nothing should ever be trusted by default. They work by authenticating and validating every request as though it’s coming from an unknown source, even when it isn’t. They only allow users the permissions necessary to carry out their specific current tasks.

Zero-trust firewalls are an excellent answer to today’s hybrid workforce since they offer strong protection for remote devices and individual users as opposed to just on-site assets.

Advanced Threat Protection

ATP stands for advanced threat protection and has gained traction as a new way of looking at cybersecurity that combines multiple tools and approaches instead of relying on traditional, single-application solutions.

ATP uses many tools, including advanced firewall technology, to monitor for and deal with advanced threats of all kinds. It’s a constant process of analysis and response to quickly catch even the most sophisticated attacks.

3 Key Tools to Accompany your Firewall Security DYOPATH

Web Application Firewalls

Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) protect specific web applications and websites from multiple different threats like SQL injections and DDoS attacks. They act as a layer of protection, monitoring for any unusual signs in a website’s traffic and taking action to prevent damage.

WAFs can also prevent data from being taken out of an app or website, preventing hacks and breaches. They work based on pre-set policies that outline what safe and harmful traffic looks like.

Work with DYOPATH

Firewalls are complex, sophisticated solutions and are a fundamental piece of any organization’s security apparatus, especially when combined with the right overarching cybersecurity strategy supported with effective tools.

At DYOPATH, we can help you assess your security posture and find the right approach to security that will ensure the best outcome for your specific circumstances. Contact us to learn more.